These short sleeve t-shirts are made with 100% USA cotton and are available in heathered gray, cream or butternut. The SCV 1896 logo is screen printed in black on the front pocket. On the back is a beautiful "God Save the South" printed in red and blue. The butternut color is darker in person than it appears in photos. Limited sizing available.
The bedrock of the Southern American culture was that the Bible was indeed the infallible word of the God who created the heavens, the Earth, and all that is therein; and that Jesus Christ is the only means of redemption. Therefore it should not be surprising to anyone that at the beginning of the War of Northern Aggression many of the political, military officers and soldiers were Christians. As a result they knew the great need for those going into battle to possess the Bible, New Testaments, tracts and hymn books, especially for those who were unsaved. It was simply amazing how politicians, army commanders, preachers, churches, chaplains and the people of the Confederacy immediately set into motion whatever was necessary to supply the troops with God's word. --Rev. Dr. Herman White This small prayer book was originally published in Charleston, SC, early in the War to be distributed to Confederate soldiers marching off to war or already in the field. Hopefully this book played a part in bringing comfort to the men in the field as they faced the horrors of war.
It is true that "history is written by the victors." For more than 150 years the Northern perspective has been the one dominant narrative. The Confederate soldier's good name has been smeared as racist, mocked as buffoons and often erased from the history books as though they never existed at all. This book uses primary sources to teach about what really happened during the "War of Northern Aggression."
The hope for this book is to show the narrative of the day when the South was invaded by those who desired to inflict their ideals, morals and attitudes, just because "these Southerners" needed to be brought back under the Northerner's way of life, their philosophy of life and their interpretation of the law. But above all, it was because the Northerners way of life was jolted economically when the Southern states seceded from the Union.
ONE COPY AVAILABLE! Beautiful over-sized hardbound book. These books are very difficult to find and this one is in excellent condition. Has very detailed information about the war. 480 pages. The Confederate Soldier in the Civil War: The Campaigns, Battles, Sieges, Charges and Skirmishs / The Foundation and Formation of the Confederacy / The Confederate States Navy Hardcover – October 1, 1977
The latest book from the Kennedy brothers. Jefferson Davis was a proponent of the high road to emancipation. He looked to the day in which slaves would be prepared to live within and participate in a democratic society. He did more than advocate for the high road to emancipation - as this book documents, he practiced his belief in the ultimate emancipation of Southern slaves. Many of his former slaves left for posterity their testimony about their former master - a master who prepared them for freedom as self-sustaining members of society. The North's ruling elites justified their invasion, conquest, and occupation of the Confederate States of America by declaring that the South was fighting to preserve slavery and that secession was treason. After the unfortunate end of the War for Southern Independence, the United States arrested Jefferson Davis on charges of treason. Davis demanded a trial, yet the United States never brought Davis to trial - why? Were they afraid they would lose in court? Davis, and through him the South, was unjustly tried in the court of public opinion - a court controlled by the North's ruling elites. This book gives the defense that Davis and the South never had.