The bedrock of the Southern American culture was that the Bible was indeed the infallible word of the God who created the heavens, the Earth, and all that is therein; and that Jesus Christ is the only means of redemption. Therefore it should not be surprising to anyone that at the beginning of the War of Northern Aggression many of the political, military officers and soldiers were Christians. As a result they knew the great need for those going into battle to possess the Bible, New Testaments, tracts and hymn books, especially for those who were unsaved. It was simply amazing how politicians, army commanders, preachers, churches, chaplains and the people of the Confederacy immediately set into motion whatever was necessary to supply the troops with God's word. --Rev. Dr. Herman White This small prayer book was originally published in Charleston, SC, early in the War to be distributed to Confederate soldiers marching off to war or already in the field. Hopefully this book played a part in bringing comfort to the men in the field as they faced the horrors of war.
Sale!MADE IN THE USA! 200 piece puzzle of the majestic Elm Springs (est. 1837) located in Columbia, TN. Completed puzzle measures 11" x 16".
Sale!Lapel pin commemorates the 125th Anniversary of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, 1896-2021. Pin measures approximately 1.25". Members only purchase.
Sale!CLEARANCE - SMALL ONLY! 100% Cotton Golf Shirt by Port Authority embroidered over the left breast pocket, SCV.ORG on back under the collar and #SCV on left sleeve. Lifetime membership must be verified prior to shipping.
Sale!ONLY AVAILABLE IN SIZE SMALL! Perfect for cadets, this small t-shirt has the full color SCV Logo on the front pocket and back design with Confederate flag - specify white, gray or black.
Sale!3" pin with black memorial ribbon commemorates the SCV National Pilgrimage & Confederate Memorial Day on May 1st, 2021 at Historic Elm Springs & the National Confederate Museum.
Pack of 25 Christmas cards featuring a snowy Elm Springs, home to the National Confederate Museum owned and operated by the Sons of Confederate Veterans. 2 season greetings to choose from: Christmas: "At this joyous season may you be blessed with the peace, happiness and love that Christmas brings." Cards are 5"x 7".