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Since July of 1998 the SCV’s Heritage Defense Fund has disbursed funding on dozens of separate heritage violations in numerous states. Many requests have been received and are presently being evaluated.

The SCV Heritage Defense Fund began because of the egregious action of Maryland officials when they tried to recall our SCV logo license plates. We won that litigation in federal court in 33 days, perhaps a Guiness Book record. The victory was due to all of you lending your support during a real tough time. Our license plates are still on the road and at least six other states either now have or, soon will have a similar program.

The reason for continuing to keep a healthy balance in the SCV Heritage Defense Fund is because we need it if we are going to be able to act in a timely manner and respond to attacks on our heritage. Quite frankly, if we did not have a significant reservoir of funds available to the SCV, we would be unable to proceed with actions against our detractors.

It is my hope that all of you will contribute significantly so your organization can sustain litigation in progress at that time.

Heritage Operations (Defense) Fund