Sons of Confederate Veterans
  • 450 Union and Confederate Soldiers narrate the stirring events of 1863's Tullahoma, Chickamauga and Chattanooga campaigns in Tennessee and Georgia. Illustrated with 465 wartime photographs. 483 pages. Published in 1996. ONLY ONE AVAILABLE!
  • Published in 1998. Illustrated with 175 wartime photographs. 205 pages. ONLY ONE AVAILABLE!
  • TWO COPIES AVAILABLE! Hardbound. 404 pages. Excellent condition. Born in New Jersey in 1818, a graduate of West Point in 1843, Samuel French won distinction in the Mexican war as a lieutenant of light artillery. At Palo Alto, Resaca, Monterey and Buena Vista he was actively engaged, receiving two brevets for gallantry in action and a serious wound at Buena Vista. But with the coming of the great civil war his narrative takes on a sterner interest. French was of Northern birth, but it is plain that the South had not a more devoted adherent. Commissioned a brigadier general in the provisional army of the Confederate States in October 1861, French served in various capacities with zeal and efficiency until his appointment as major general to command a division of the army under Gen. J.E. Johnston. A very interesting read!
  • Near mint condition. 18 sets available. Each set contains the following stamps: 1.) Robert E. Lee & Stonewall Jackson 4 cents 2.) Washington & Lee University 3 cents 3.) UCV Final Reunion 3 cents 4.) Robert E. Lee 30 cents 5.) Civil War Centennial "Fort Sumter" 4 cents 6.) Civil War Centennial "Shiloh" 4 cents 7.) Civil War Centennial "Gettysburg" 5 cents 8.) Civil War Centennial "The Wilderness" 5 cents 9.) Civil War Centennial "Appomattox" 5 cents 10.) Stone Mountain Memorial 6 cents
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