First Known as the USS Merrimack before she was scuttled on April 20th 1861. The next day the confederates took control of the area and raised the hull of the Merrimack and converted her into the Confederate Ironclad commissioned as the CSS Virginia. This 6" metal model captures her beauty and power. Durable it makes a perfect gift.
It is true that "history is written by the victors." For more than 150 years the Northern perspective has been the one dominant narrative. The Confederate soldier's good name has been smeared as racist, mocked as buffoons and often erased from the history books as though they never existed at all. This book uses primary sources to teach about what really happened during the "War of Northern Aggression."
Is the Union voluntary or an agreement with no escape route? Setting the tone, John M. Taylor leads off by noting the travails of a respected ancestor. Major questions in America are explored, including differing views of the meaning of union. Though numerous issues led to war, most modern establishment historians generalize everything down to one. Pre-war and post-war years are largely ignored, trivialized, or sanitized. Protectionist Whigs and other big government advocates created the centralizing vehicle-the Republican Party-to accomplish their goals. In 1860, they selected Abraham Lincoln to implement the agenda. Taylor shows how Lincoln and the Radical Republicans planted the seeds of leviathan we witness today. Available in hardback or paperback.
Sale!An original Confederate art work entitled "Confederate States Greatest Treasures." Using the Battle Flag as a background, it honors our most prominent Confederate leaders, monuments and events during the War Between the States. Also showcases SCV Headquarters at Elm Springs. Makes a great gift for those who cherish southern heritage & traditions. Can be used for door prizes, fundraisers or as a souvenir keepsake. Looks fantastic when framed. Comes in an attractive package. Size 18" x 24"