Faithfully produced 3'x5' polyester printed flag of Hood's Texas Brigade. This is a famed flag belonging to the Texas Patriots serving in the Army of Northern Virginia. The original flag (see image) has significant damage resulting in almost a square flag. However, after extensive research, what's barely visible on the original flag (and stated in the flag's description) is the inclusion of 2 other battle honors on this historic flag: Eltham's Landing and Malvern Hill. Of note, both of these battle honors are painted on the flag in gold, but Eltham's Landing is bordered by red paint and Malvern Hill is bordered in green. We have faithfully included these details in this flag and it is the most accurate reproduction of this flag printed today. Robert E. Lee at the Battle of the Wilderness “Hurrah for Texas! Texans always move them!”
These short sleeve t-shirts are made with 100% USA cotton and are available in heathered gray, cream or butternut. The SCV 1896 logo is screen printed in black on the front pocket. On the back is a beautiful "God Save the South" printed in red and blue. The butternut color is darker in person than it appears in photos. Limited sizing available.
The bedrock of the Southern American culture was that the Bible was indeed the infallible word of the God who created the heavens, the Earth, and all that is therein; and that Jesus Christ is the only means of redemption. Therefore it should not be surprising to anyone that at the beginning of the War of Northern Aggression many of the political, military officers and soldiers were Christians. As a result they knew the great need for those going into battle to possess the Bible, New Testaments, tracts and hymn books, especially for those who were unsaved. It was simply amazing how politicians, army commanders, preachers, churches, chaplains and the people of the Confederacy immediately set into motion whatever was necessary to supply the troops with God's word. --Rev. Dr. Herman White This small prayer book was originally published in Charleston, SC, early in the War to be distributed to Confederate soldiers marching off to war or already in the field. Hopefully this book played a part in bringing comfort to the men in the field as they faced the horrors of war.