Sons of Confederate Veterans
  • The latest book from the Kennedy brothers. Jefferson Davis was a proponent of the high road to emancipation. He looked to the day in which slaves would be prepared to live within and participate in a democratic society. He did more than advocate for the high road to emancipation - as this book documents, he practiced his belief in the ultimate emancipation of Southern slaves. Many of his former slaves left for posterity their testimony about their former master - a master who prepared them for freedom as self-sustaining members of society. The North's ruling elites justified their invasion, conquest, and occupation of the Confederate States of America by declaring that the South was fighting to preserve slavery and that secession was treason. After the unfortunate end of the War for Southern Independence, the United States arrested Jefferson Davis on charges of treason. Davis demanded a trial, yet the United States never brought Davis to trial - why? Were they afraid they would lose in court? Davis, and through him the South, was unjustly tried in the court of public opinion - a court controlled by the North's ruling elites. This book gives the defense that Davis and the South never had.
  • This 15oz ceramic mug proudly displays our BRAND NEW alternate museum logo. Dishwasher and microwave safe.
  • THIS BOOK IS OUT OF PRINT BUT WE HAVE 8 COPIES AVAILABLE. ALL ARE BRAND NEW IN SHRINK WRAP. Taken from Amazon: This book is that rarity of rarities, a history of the South covering the turbulent 19th and 20th centuries, written from the Southern-conservative viewpoint. Its central theme is the devastating culture-war which various groups of Northern liberals have been waging against the conservative South since the 1830s, using the South as their battleground to defeat limited republican government under the tenets of Christianity in the U.S. as prescribed by the Constitution, and replace that with a socialist nation-state run under the religion of secular humanism. This book identifies key events in American history which, although indisputable, are nevertheless ignored or distorted by the mainstream liberal historians; and it puts those events in proper perspective. The result is a book which reads like the history of an entirely different country than the one we're accustomed to reading about in most American-history texts. This book tells how Northern capitalists, and their politicians used the culture war to support an economic war of their own against the South, which led directly to the 1861 - 1865 War of Northern Aggression, following which the federal government converted the South into the agricultural colonies of the Northern capitalists, governed under bayonet rule, and deliberately held in grinding poverty until WWII. And now the liberal-dominated institutions of the U.S. are systematically discrediting and suppressing the beliefs, values, culture, and true history of the traditional South, in order to destroy the conservative Southerners as a people and remove the last big roadblock hindering their transformation of the U.S. into a socialist nation-state. "The South Under Siege 1830 - 2000" will be of no interest to ideological liberals; but if you want to know why the U.S. is now divided into red states and blue states; and what is happening to the South right now--and will happen to the rest of the U.S. in the very near future, this is one of the few books that will provide real answers.
  • Sale!

    NCM Drawstring Bag

    Original price was: $10.00.Current price is: $4.75.
  • Just in time for Christmas this ceramic ornament is double sided with the brand new Elm Springs Logo. These oranments were sourced locally. You'll only find them here.
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